Miami ready to host Super Bowl LIV in 2020 after prepping for years

ATLANTA (NEXSTAR) — Super Bowl 53 is still a day away from being played, but soon it’ll be time to think about Super Bowl 54.

Next year’s big game is in Miami, and the city has been preparing for years to host their 11th Super Bowl.

“We’ve been planning this for ten years,” Miami Super Bowl Host Committee chairman Rodney Barreto said. “We’ve been hoping to get back into hosting Super Bowls. This will be our 11th, record-breaking Super Bowl. So we’re very excited to bring it to Miami.”

Barreto explained why he thinks Miami is an awesome city for the 54th Super Bowl.

“We believe we have probably the best weather where you can play football in February,” he said. “And the international city. We’re a melting pot, we’re exciting, there’s vibrant, the ocean, and all the great things Miami has to offer.”