The Blitz Top 10 Teams – Week 0

Myrtle Beach, SC (WBTW) – Each Monday Chris and Derek will reveal their top 10 high school football teams of the week.  These are their 10 going into Week 0 on Thursday and Friday. 


1. Dillon
2. Myrtle Beach 
3. Hartsville 
4. Lamar 
5. North Myrtle Beach 
6. Lake View 
7. Scotland County (NC) 
8. Conway 
9. Hemingway 
10. Dillon Christian 


1. Dillon 
2. Lamar 
3. Myrtle Beach 
4. Hartsville
5. Dillon Christian 
6. Hemingway 
7. North Myrtle Beach 
8. Lake View 
9. Carvers Bay 
10. Conway