Dear Darlington Raceway fans:

First and foremost, I hope you and your family are safe. These are unprecedented times and your well-being is our number one priority.

I want to thank you for your continued support of Darlington Raceway and NASCAR. Your unyielding passion and commitment are indicative of why we have the best fans in all of sports.

NASCAR has been a leader in the sports world during these times and as you know, on track racing has been postponed through May 3. The sanctioning body’s goal is to resume racing at Martinsville Speedway May 9 and reschedule all of the postponed points races in order for us to complete the entire 2020 schedule.

Darlington Raceway is committed to being an outstanding partner within our sport, state and community. We will continue to monitor the situation and put the health and safety of our fans, employees and citizens above all else.

We have every intention to host the best-in-class Throwback Weekend Sept. 4-6 at Darlington Raceway. What is most important now is that we take all the precautions and follow the best practices set forth from the CDC and other public health agencies to keep everyone as safe as possible during these challenging times.

Thank you for your support of Darlington Raceway. You are without question Too Tough to Tame.

Take care.


Kerry Tharp

Darlington Raceway, Track President

Courtesy – Darlington Raceway & Kerry Tharp