Young Democrats of Horry County hold first meeting

CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – Members of the Horry County chapter of the Young Democrats of South Carolina met for the first time on Saturday.

Over a dozen young voters gathered at the Horry County Democratic Party headquarters in Conway to discuss goals for the organization and change they would like to effect locally. One of their primary objectives is to encourage more young Democrats to run for local offices. Organizers also invited leaders from the Grand Strand Islamic Center to the meeting to discuss the immigration ban.

Jennifer Cangeme is the Chair of the Waccamaw Region of the Young Democrats of the South Carolina and helped spearhead the meeting. She says she believes millennials have the potential to to unite their communities in politically divisive times. “My main goal is to bring awareness that there are young Democrats here and that we can make a difference. We’re here to unite our country and come together, and see change. See positive change,” says Cangeme.

For young Republicans looking to get involved in local organizations, there are the South Carolina Federation of Young Republicans and the Coastal Carolina University College Republicans.