Women’s march protesters send messages with wit, strength

(NEXSTAR MEDIA) — In protest of President Donald Trump – his actions, words and policy plans – more than 1 million people rallied at marches in Washington D.C. and across the world Saturday.

Tabbed as women’s marches, the protests focused on equal rights for women, but also served as a platform for many to call out the President and his fellow lawmakers on a variety of issues.

One thing notably absent from the DC march: arrests. In one of the largest demonstrations in the city’s history, not a single arrest related to the march was reported as of nightfall on Saturday, according to The Associated Press.

One thing present at the protests: Signs. Some endearing, many witty, all with a message for the 45th President of the United States.

Here are a few notable examples:

The protests centered around women’s rights, and although there were many signs fighting to protect access to affordable birth control and abortion and touting “girl power,” this sign might make the most honest statement of the day.

Others called out Trump’s noted policy positions on rolling back environmental regulations put in place to help slow and reverse effects of climate change.

Some chose to criticize the President for his perceived xenophobia. During his campaign, Trump was rebuked by Democrats and Republicans alike for remarks against people from virtually all walks of life, including proposing a ban on all Muslims trying to enter the country and mocking a disabled reporter at a rally.

Then there’s the “I see what you did there” category. Is there a message? Sure. But we’re more going for laughs as much as anything else.