FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Some people in Florence will be without water for a few hours during construction coming up on Wednesday.

The City of Florence, along with DHEC, made the announcement in a press release on Monday. The outage will go from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

The affected areas include East National Cemetery Road from Stockade Drive to Jeffords Street and along Noisy Lane; Ranch Road; Fiesta Lane; Tumbleweed Drive; and Carson Drive.

Residents in those areas should have received “door to door” notifications on July 12 about the interruption, according to the release.

During the outage, crews will work to relocate existing pipe as part of a construction project for a new Veteran’s Home on East National Cemetery Road.

Following the outage, DHEC has required a boil water advisory be put into effect. That advisory will also be issued door to door for those affected.