Wednesday’s impeachment vote marks a historic day in Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — Early Wednesday morning, the House of Representatives gaveled in a historic day in Congress.

Under consideration are two Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Even before taking up the articles, representatives spent three hours debating the rules and process. That’s something Texas Republican Congressman Mike Conaway called a political scheme devised by Democrats.

“Unfortunately, many of my colleagues have diminished what should be a solemn and grave proceeding into an absolute political circus,” says Conway.

Trump is accused of pressuring the Ukrainian President for personal political favors and obstructing the investigation by Congress.

Trump says he did nothing wrong.

But Texas Democratic Congresswoman Veronica Escobar says the President’s actions make him unfit for office.

“The evidence is overwhelming and clearly shows that President Trump will continue to abuse his office and obstruct Congress if left unchecked.”

A successful impeachment vote would send the proceedings to the Senate for a trial to decide if Trump should be removed from office.