Trump impeachment process resumes after Thanksgiving holiday — what’s next?

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — As Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess, lawmakers are picking up the impeachment process right where it left off.

On Tuesday, the House Intelligence Committee is scheduled to deliver a report to the House Judiciary Committee detailing President Trump’s interactions with Ukraine.

The committee’s chairman, Jerry Nadler, says his committee’s first hearing is set for Wednesday, and the first witness he invited was Pres. Trump — an invitation the President and his attorneys declined.

Trump says he did nothing wrong, and blasted Democrats for holding Wednesday’s hearing the same day as the NATO summit in London.

The House Judiciary Committee will decide if the President’s actions are grounds for impeachment. If they think that they are, Nadler will be tasked with drafting the official articles of impeachment that will be presented to the full House.

That’s where Texas Republican Congressman Jodey Arrington says he is prepared to defend the President.

“It’s not going anywhere. The Senate will stop it,” says Arrington. “Even if they don’t dismiss it, it still will end in the Senate and we will end up, because of this infatuation with impeaching the president, with absolutely nothing.”