Special election in California’s 25th congressional district could indicate what’s to come in November

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEXSTAR) – The special election to replace Congresswoman Katie Hill, the freshman Democrat who resigned amid scandal back in October is slated for today. 

Both parties nationally are keeping a close eye on this race. 

Republicans hope the special election in California’s 25th congressional district will be a sign of things to come in November. 

“We’re very invested in taking back the House of Representatives,” Liz Harrington said. 

California Democrats flipped eight seats in 2018. 

Republican National Committee spokesman Liz Harrington says this race is Republicans’ first chance to win one back by focusing on economic recovery after coronavirus. 

“President Trump was the jobs President. After we defeat this virus, he’s going to be the jobs president again. Mike Garcia brings that experience to the table,” Harrington said. 

Democrats have also had their eyes on this race as one of a few crucial districts for keeping their majority in the House.

And the party’s big names, including President Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, all publicly endorsed Christy Smith. 

“We need her voice in Washington D.C.,” Senator Kamala Harris, D-California, said. 

So did Senator Kamala Harris but Congressman Pete Aguilar says despite the party star-power, this seat will be tough for Democrats to hold onto in a special election.

“The turnout dynamics are totally different in November,” Representative Pete Aguilar, D-California, said. 

Aguilar, who serves on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, says  today’s winner has to get right back on the campaign trail to defend the seat in the fall.

“It is going to be a much more diverse electorate. I’m confident people are going to show up and vote against Donald Trump,” Aguilar said. 

Aguilar says win or lose today, the Democrats expect to win the seat again, when it really counts in November.