WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) ─ President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union address to a clearly divided Congress Tuesday evening.
Meghan Burris, Trump’s special assistant and director of media affairs, said the divide between parties was on full display and came into focus when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of the speech.
“What folks heard last night was a speech that focused on unity,” Burris said. “Unfortunately over the past three years, Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress have only focused on fighting President Trump.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Trump’s address doesn’t match with reality.
“This president just lies,” Schumer said. “The matter of fact is, whenever President Trump gets over an hour to speak, the number of mistruths, mischaracterizations, exaggerations, contradictions is breathtaking. No other president comes close.”
Now the Democrats, Republicans and Trump must find common ground to tackle the issues facing the nation.