WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Senator Lindsey Graham has a simple message to House Democrats.

“There’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it,” Graham (R-SC) said.

On Thursday, the South Carolina Senator introduced a resolution condemning the way Democrats are running the House impeachment inquiry.

“I consider it to be out of bounds with what we’ve done in the past,” Graham said.

When the House considered President Clinton’s impeachment the Democratic minority had the chance to call witnesses and introduce documents in the President’s defense. Graham’s resolution calls on the House to do the same for President Trump.

It demands that whole House vote on whether to initiate a formal impeachment inquiry and asks Speaker Pelosi to ensure that all GOP members have the chance to participate in impeachment proceedings.

Currently, three House committees are handling the impeachment inquiry and both Democrats and Republicans on those respective committees are allowed inside.

But on Wednesday a group of House Republicans forced their way into a closed-door committee interview with a witness they said to protest the “secret proceedings.”

“They don’t want to open the process up. They want to shut it down,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

Schumer said that Republicans and the White House should stop stonewalling and provide the documents Congress has requested.

“You can’t just flip a switch, one day suppress evidence and the next argue for a transparent and open process.”

Schumer asked Republicans to join in supporting a swift completion of the impeachment inquiry.

Graham’s resolution currently has 45 cosponsors all Republican Senators.