MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – During this week’s Myrtle Beach City Council policy retreat, Myrtle Beach Police Chief Amy Prock reported a 21 percent drop in violent crimes during the past year.

Chief Prock attributed the decrease to a greater police presence and visibility, the success of the surveillance camera system and support from the community.

The city also reports that named Myrtle Beach a “Comeback City” for its crime rate decrease over a 10-year period. Myrtle Beach ranked second overall for most improved city of less than 300,000 population, with a decrease of 3.35 percent in the crime rate, or a 44.79 percent decrease in the actual number of crimes (all types) from 2006 to 2016.

Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune attributed the decline to the city’s investment in two key resources – manpower and technology.