VIDEO: Massive gator amazes people at FL preserve

POLK COUNTY, Fla. – A massive alligator thrilled people at a Polk County nature preserve on Sunday.

The gator was so big, it almost looked fake, as it strolled casually at the Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland.

Kim Joiner happened to be there and videotaped the gator as it strolled by.

“Very exciting to see,” she told WFLA.com.

Joiner said that she was in the right place at the right time.

She and other people at the preserve saw the gator headed their way and everyone pulled out their cell phones to record it.

Joiner said the gators at the preserve cross the berms to go from one marsh to the other.

She estimated that the gator was about 12 feet long.

It appears the gator didn’t see the small crowd of onlookers, or it did see them and simply couldn’t have cared less.Learn more about the Circle B Bar Reserve here.