Tropical Storm Hermine heavy rains made Florence County road unsafe

FLORENCE, S.C. (WBTW) – People on Meadow Prong Road that connects Scranton and Florence say the Florence County dirt road is unsafe, especially after the heavy rain from Tropical Storm Hermine.

Earlier this year, we told you Florence County Public Works pushed back plans to repave the road to June but people who live on Meadow Prong Road say they’ve been told four different times the road will be paved and nothing has happened yet.

Bucky Mathews said “Every one of these driveways washout. Right there were my driveway is it washes across the road and it digs a trench and the County keeps putting these rocks on it but every one of those wash down to the creek.”

Delvert Timmons said, “I would like them to fix this drainage washing out problem, whether its paved or not. Fix this washing out for safety for a truck or cars coming through.”

News13 reached out to Florence County Councilman, Mitchell Kirby.

He said Council plans to vote on a contract to rebuild the ditches on the road at the next County Council meeting on September 15th.

Count on News13 to update you on Council’s decision.