Timmonsville mayor fires police chief

TIMMONSVILLE, SC (WBTW) – The search is on for a new police chief in the town of Timmonsville after Mayor Darrick Jackson fired the now former chief Gregory Palmer.

Council sat in executive session for nearly an hour and a half, but not before some  heated debate from council and the townspeople.

“Where’s the loyalty,” asked one resident during a public comment period. The mayor’s rules that those speaking not mention any personnel or jobs were only loosely followed.

“If the council has lost confidence in the chief then the people have lost confidence in the council,” cried the same man in support of Palmer.

The question of loyalty was raised by several others on hand at Tuesday’s meeting. Palmer was suspended last Friday pending the result of the council meeting.

The former chief was asked about allegations the town administration had paid bail to get him out of jail earlier this year. Ken Bell with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office confirms that Palmer was served with a warrant for contempt of family court and taken to Sumter Lee Regional Detention Center. He was later released.

“I asked for a chance to talk to the judge and explain what happened, and I was denied,” said Palmer. “They paid for me I didn’t ask for them to do so.”

Palmer accepted the position of chief in April of 2014, given the task of rebuilding the police force from scratch. Now, at least a few leaders aren’t sure he’s still up for the job.

“I and council had lost confidence in his ability to lead the department,” said Mayor Darrick Jackson.

Council spent a long time behind the closed door discussing the decision. Palmer was eventually escorted into the room for what seemed like only a few moments.

Minutes later, council returned. Palmer looked on as the mayor announced the end of his term. He expressed some confusion about the decision.

“Council didn’t have a say so, I asked for an opportunity to address the council but was denied. So, I’m still trying to figure out why I was fired.”

The Mayor would not comment on any legal proceedings that may have led to the chief’s firing other than to say they “lost confidence” with his service.

As for Palmer, he says this is not the end of the road for him and thanked the town of Timmonsville for their support.