The cost of a popular diabetes medication is skyrocketing

CBS NEWS – The cost of Insulin for diabetic patients in the United States has tripled in the past decade. That’s according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers say overall yearly spending for the drug as well as the price per milliliter have both gone up sharply even as the cost of other diabetes drugs has stayed about the same or even gone down. SOURCE – Journal of the American Medical Association/MedDay/CBS

A common type of irregular heartbeat in older adults is also linked to physical declines. New research from the American Heart Association found Atrial fibrillation not only raises the risk of heart failure and stroke it also negatively affects walking speed, strength and balance. SOURCE – Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Rapid Access Journal Report/MedDay/CBS

A majority of children’s meals at leading restaurants are meeting calorie guidelines according to new research from Tufts university. However, many kids menu items are still high in fat and sodium. SOURCE – Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior/MedDay/CBS