The American Red Cross and WBTW team up for summer blood drive

The American Red Cross and WBTW teamed up for a blood drive on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Magnolia Mall in Florence and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Coastal Grand Mall, in Myrtle Beach to help boost donations during the summer, one of the most difficult times of year to collect blood donations.

“That’s because so many folks are traveling and on vacation. Also, students are out for the summer and that makes up 20% of our donor base. That’s why it’s so important to have blood drives like these during the summer months,” said American Red Cross Communications Manager Krystal Overmeyer.

“Many of you may have a loved one or maybe you yourself have needed blood or maybe someone you know in the future will receive blood and that can only come from the generosity of strangers,” says Overmeyer.

Lynnette Ross decided to give blood Thursday afternoon at Magnolia Mall in Florence.

“It helps people, especially in accidents and things like that and I like donating because it makes me feel like I’m giving back to my community,” mentioned Ross.

At the conclusion of Thursday’s blood drive in Myrtle Beach and Florence County there were a total of 106 units collected at Coastal Grand and 43 units at Magnolia Mall.

If you couldn’t make it out Thursday be sure to visit the American Red Cross website or you can download their mobile app and make an appointment to donate through the app.