Surviving Trump-Clinton squabbles at Thanksgiving dinner

WASHINGTON (MEDIA GENERAL) — The 2016 campaign season was unique in its nastiness, leaving voters and politicians with a throbbing election year hangover.

Unfortunately, some hair of the political dog could be lurking right around the corner.

Thanksgiving dinner inevitably turns from smiles to snarls as Uncle Joe and Grandma Shirley move from the topic of cornbread to recitations of the unforgivable infractions committed by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Since emotions are still running high just two weeks after the election, some families will need to tiptoe around the landmines littering these political discussions.

Many folks plan to play it cool – and quiet.

If avoidance fails, The Washington Post suggests you might just have to “take a deep breath, set out the decorative gourds and dive in.”

Barriers are going up outside the White House currently, in preparation of Inauguration Day, and every visitor we spoke to said that they’d keep their lips zipped and political walls high.

One Appalachian State college student shared her simple plan: “Just eat a lot of stuffing and not talk about Donald Trump.”

And when things get too lively, another young student said her family might dip into the libations a little early.

“We are split as a family,” shared one woman. “We have always agreed to disagree and to be respectful of one another.”

But don’t expect exploding fireworks and sobbing siblings. “What we try to do is show compassion and kindness, and we hope that that will be a good role model, no matter what happens.”

The resounding message was undoubtedly “enough already.”

“It’s over now, let it go!” laughed one mom, surrounded by her smiling daughters.Follow Chance Seales on Twitter: @ChanceSeales