Surfside Beach Police get 23 new body cameras

SURFSIDE BEACH, SC- The Surfside Beach Police Department got 23 new body cameras this week, one for each full time officer.

Lt. Kenneth Hofmann told News 13 the department started looking at body cameras over a year ago. He said the goal of the new technology is to protect officers in the event they have to take action.

Unlike car cameras, Hofmann said body cameras go wherever the officer goes.

“To be able to document exactly what he was seeing and hearing at that particular moment,” he said.

According to Hofmann, the department specifically chose WatchGuard Vista cameras because they record audio and HD video. He also said the footage can’t be edited in their filing system. The recording can be a key piece of evidence, but Hofmann said it can also serve as a learning tool.

“Was there a way we could’ve done it better, just from reviewing it,” said Hofmann.

Each officer is responsible for turning the camera on when it’s appropriate and off when the incident is complete.

“Our policies are very specific that officers when dealing with the public will activate the camera,” stated Hoffman.

However, he said it’s no guarantee the camera will be turned on.

“If activating a camera will put an officer or a member of the public in an unsafe situation, officers are not required to try to stop something from happening in order to activate the camera.”

Hofmann is glad the department got body cameras when they did. He said it’s important people see the technology as a choice, not something they’re forced to wear.