Surfside Beach officials fear ‘public safety issue’ after Hurricane Matthew

SURFSIDE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Leaders in the Town of Surfside Beach worry damage from Hurricane Mathew might create a dangerous situation this summer.

Council members expect an increase in surf fishing, or fishing from the beach, because fishermen can no longer fish off the pier.

They are considering several options to address the problem, including limiting surf fishing to certain hours or to certain areas of the beach.

“So they’re not in with the swimmers,” said Mayor Bob Childs. “As you can probably imagine the dangers of that. So we have to work on that and try to meet a compromise.”

Residents were invited to give their ideas on Monday night at a special-called workshop.

One idea was to limit surf fishing to within 300 feet north and south of the pier.

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Surfside Beach resident, Harry Coleman. “But I think it needs to be marked. Right now it’s 300 feet from the pier you can’t surf. It’s not marked. Nobody knows where it is.”

Councilwoman Julie Samples said there should be a temporary ban of surf fishing.

“I think if we prohibited it temporarily this season it would be less of a public safety issue,” she added.

Another idea would be to allow surf fishing on the entire beach but only before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m.

“I have been down there with my granddaughter,” said Surfside Beach resident, Sandra Elliott. “And you have surf fishers out in the regular time of the day and I say, ‘Get away from them because you don’t know if you’re going to be hooked.’”

Most people at the workshop were in favor of allowing surf fishing within 300 feet of either side of the pier. Council members will now take everyone’s ideas into consideration and come up with an official ordinance.