SURFSIDE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – On Tuesday night Surfside Beach Town Council voted on the first reading to ban single-use plastic bags in the town.

Several people spoke in favor of the ban including representatives from the South Carolina Aquarium and Coastal Conservation League.

Most coucnil members agreed to ban the bags but Councilman David Pellegrino said he’s not ready to vote on the ordinance because of research he did on other cities with the ban. He’s concerned about effects paper bags could also have on the environment.

Owner of Surfside Beach Pharmacy, Daniel Bundrick, spoke at the meeting and said his business has already banned plastic bags.I brought some of our paper bags,” said Bundrick as he showed council members examples. “We use only paper so we have small, medium and large bags. As a business owner, I don’t think it’s very hard to do. I don’t think it would be an inconvenience to my customers, so I’m in support of it from a business standpoint.”

Councilwoman Julie Samples introduced the ordinance and said it’s way overdue.

“I really feel the council is together on this,” said Mayor Bob Childs. “Plastic is an issue and everybody knows it. I think it’s something we ought to really work on.”

Folly Beach and Isle of Palms have banned plastic bags and Samples suggested looking at their ordinances to use as a draft for Surfside.

The ordinance needs one more reading and vote to officially pass.