Study: Dyson hand dryers spread 1,300 times more germs than paper towels

LONDON – Hand dryers are used to quickly dry your hands after washing away the germs, but a new study says hand dryers actually are spreading 1,300 times more germs than paper towels.

According to the AJC, The University of Westminster researchers conducted an experiment where they dipped their hands in water that had a harmless virus and dried them using different techniques.

Researchers dried their hands with jet air hand dryer, Dyson Airblade and a standard warm air hand dryer or paper towel.

Reports from The Telegraph say that the Dyson hand dryers 430 mph blasts could spread viruses nearly 10-feet across the bathroom.

In February, Dyson published a video on YouTube captioned “Paper’s Dirty Secret-Official Dyson Video”, going back on claims that paper towels are more hygienic than the hand-driers.

A voice over in the video says, “Recent tests carried out in Chicago and New York show up to 88 percent of unused paper towels contain bacteria.”

“When you dry your hands or wipe your face the bacteria can transfer to your skin.”

Similar studies have also found that airborne germ counts are much higher in comparison with paper towels.