Upstate workshop teaches how to enhance lives through golf

(WSPA) — Calling all golfers! Upstate-Carolina Adaptive Golf needs you to help train people with physical and sensory challenges to play the game of golf.

On April 6 and 7, trainers will offer an Adaptive Golf Coach Workshop.

The partnership between Upstate-Carolina Adaptive Golf and Clemson University will teach interested members of the community how to use safe effective techniques and adaptive equipment.

Organizers say golf can enhance the lives of those overcoming physical, cognitive and sensory challenges. 

Trainers will go through scenarios of mobility issues related to spine and back injuries, as well as how to help people with loss of limb to cognitive and sensory impairments associated with brain injuries and blindness.

Spots are limited and people are encouraged to register by Friday, March 29.

Clemson students can participate for free, all others are asked to make a $60 donation. 

Contact Brandon Worley by email at ucagnow@gmail.com or call 864-448-4997 for more information. 

Click here to read more about Upstate-Carolina Adaptive Golf.