Tracking sex offenders is a large task that falls to a handful of people

Investigator J. Moore spends his days keeping tabs on the sex offenders living in Wake County.

“When we go out, we just go door-to-door until we run out of time or we run out of people. And we never run out of people,” Moore said.

There are roughly 800 sex offenders in Wake County and Moore is one of three people whose full-time job is to make sure they actually staying at the address where they are registered.

“If we can confirm that person’s not there anymore … at that point we have to stop and say, ‘OK, let’s find where that person’s been,’” Moore said.

And that is the challenge.

Sometimes the offenders have just skipped town while other times, sex offenders are homeless.

“A lot of times these guys are living in a tent in the woods or under the bridge. It’s a little harder to keep track of those cause they don’t have neighbors you can talk to,” said Senior Sgt. David Leatherood with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.

That was the story with Daniel Louk.

He moved to Cumberland County in 2006 after serving 10 years in prison for the attempted rape of an 8-year-old.

“I don’t think Mr. Louk has had a permanent location. He’s always been homeless and then he moved to Wayne County for a period of time and then he came back here,” Leatherood said.

In 2016 Louk moved to Wayne County for 5 months and is now accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. The child was living in the same home where he was registered – something not prohibited under North Carolina law.

Each sheriff’s office is responsible for keeping track of the sex offenders living in their county. Often that task falls to a small handful of people.

Wayne County has one full-time person in its sex offender unit. In the 5 months Louk was living there – they verified his address twice.

Which is why some counties send their efforts to keep track of sex offenders into overdrive.

Although the state requires address checks only twice a year, in Cumberland County, deputies do checks on each offender every 90 days.

And in Wake County, Moore and his unit check each offender six times a year.

All law enforcement officers CBS North Carolina spoke with said it’s a good idea to know where any sex offenders might be living near you.

They recommend downloading this free justice department app that shows where any offenders are registered in your neighborhood.