Time goes back Sunday, but SC lawmakers hope to end Daylight Saving Time in SC

COLUMBIA, SC (WSPA)- Sunday at 2:00 A.M. South Carolina residents will have to roll their clocks back one hour in observance of Daylight Saving Time.

It’s a small change that many of us forget and dread having to make. A time change, many SC lawmakers agree has to go, which is why several bills have been filed to do away with Daylight Saving Time.

Helen Ray told 7News she has been waiting to turn her clock back. “I’ve been looking forward to it since iI ost that hour of sleep last Spring.”

But several SC lawmakers say they are annoyed with the DST process.

“I’ve heard from a lot of constituents who say it’s so annoying why do we have to keep doing this,” said Representative Josiah Magnuson.

The Upstate lawmaker has joined on to 2 bills that would allow the state to observing the time change.

“There’s no purpose to have to keep changing our schedules every Spring and Fall and it’s about time to keep our clocks the same time like it’s intended to be.”

The bill is low on the totem pole of priorities for lawmakers and it’s also low on the list for many SC residents. “It doesn’t matter to me either. i look at the clock if it says 7:00 then it is,” added Mary Angle reacting to the proposal.

Lawmakers will still need an OK from Congressional leaders before moving forward with eliminating DST observance. But the SC General Assembly is close. One proposal has already passed in the Senate and is waiting for its final reading in the House.