South Carolina makes millions by selling your driver’s license information

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WCBD) – The state of South Carolina makes millions of dollars by selling your driver’s license information.

Since a federal law took effect in 1994, the state had been allowed to sell your name, address and other information on your driver’s license.

They can also sell information regarding violations associated with your license.

Last year, the state made nearly $16 million from companies centered around the auto industry.

The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles does disclose this information on its forms by stating:

“South Carolina and federal law dictate that motor vehicle and driver’s license records maintained by the SCDMV may be disclosed in certain situations”

SCDMV officials say they make no money on the information and that it does to the Department of Transportation.

The information is allowed to be disclosed under the driver’s privacy protection act.

There are penalties if any information is misused.