CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Senator Lindsey Graham had plenty to say about the airstrikes in Syria.
“Number one, I want to thank all the members of the military who made this happen. They’re brave, they’re the best among us. I appreciate the president acting, my belief is this airstrike is going to be seen as weak by Assad. It’s not going to change the game much and I fear it’s going to embolden him but time will tell,” Graham said.
As a response to the recent chemical attack, the U.S. went after certain facilities.
“We went after chemical weapons facilities. President Trump said he was going to pay a big price. I don’t think this is going to be seen as a big price. I think Assad is alive and well and we’re going to have to deal with him again. We did something which is better than nothing, but I think we missed an opportunity here but time will tell,” Graham said.
Russia warned of consequences for the U.S. In the wake of the airstrikes, but Graham said he isn’t worried.
“Russia is a very second-rate power. They have about 30 planes in Syria. If we let Russia tell us what to do, in terms of standing up for our allies and our national security if we’re in trouble…Assad has killed 500,000 people, he allows Iran to gather up weapons to be used against Israel. Russia doesn’t have the capability we have so you can’t let Russia dictate what you do in the world, Graham said.
He also had something to say to those against the strike.
“Anybody who thinks it’s okay for a dictator whose killed 500,000 people to use chemical weapons to kill women and children 3 times after being told by 3 presidents to stop doing it, they don’t understand what security is all about. We have banned chemical weapons for almost 100 years now. He keeps using them. He’s defying the international community and if you don’t think what happens over there matters to us, remember 9/11,” Graham said.
The senator says his biggest concern is that the U.S. should have done more. He says he has one goal, to keep the war overseas.