‘School Prayer Zone’ signs popping up in SC ahead of new school year

RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. (WFLA/CNN) – As students and teachers gear up for school in South Carolina a non-profit is reminding people to say a prayer with new roadway signs.

Vanessa Frazier, founder, and director of Christ Teens developed the “School Prayer Zone” signs.

“We want this next generation coming out of our public schools every 365 days to be productive citizens with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, skills, and ability,” she said. “You know, everything you would want from a graduating class,” Frazier said.

To achieve that goal Frazier says prayer for students, teachers, and administrators needs to become more regular.

“These signs will hopefully encourage people to pray morning, day, and night for our teachers, students, and parents,” she said.

Jane Jorgenson’s husband is the pastor at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Blythewood. The church sits a couple hundred yards away from Blythewood High School. Frazier approached Jorgenson earlier this year about purchasing a sign from Christ Teens.

“This is a perfect example of church and state,” Frazier said. “We’re staying out of the area of the state but we’re bringing it onto the land of the church.”

The sign was installed on the church’s property about a week ago, according to Jorgenson, and has received a lot of positive feedback.

“Literally on the spot I said, we’re interested. There’s no doubt. We want to do this,” Jorgenson said.

Both Frazier and Jorgenson said prayer and religion, in general, is lost upon some in the younger generations.