SC ranked 42nd overall on U.S. News & World Report’s “Best States” report

(WBTW) – SC has been ranked 42nd overall on U.S. News & World Report’s “Best States” report.

Healthcare, education, economy, infrastructure, opportunity, fiscal stability, crime and corrections, and natural environment were also ranked in the report. Here’s how SC ranked in those areas:

North Carolina was ranked 18th overall in the report. Here’s how NC ranked in those same areas:

Washington was ranked number one overall on the report, and Louisiana was ranked number 50 overall.

“The Best States rankings from U.S. News & World Report shows how each of the 50 U.S. states ranks in 71 metrics across eight categories. The data behind the rankings aims to show how well states serve their residents in a variety of ways,” said U.S. News & World Report’s website. “In calculating the rankings, each of the eight categories was assigned weightings based on the average of three years of data from an annual national survey that asked a total of more than 50,000 people to prioritize each subject in their state.”