SC biologist warns residents not to kill or harm snakes during this year’s snake season

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA/WBTW) – Every year during the spring as temperatures begin to warm up, snake sightings are expected to increase yet again.

The month of May is known as snake season in the region and they will start to appear in warm moist areas such as under rocks, and on hiking trails.

Over the weekend many people took to Facebook and posted pictures of snakes they found in or around their homes.

The World Health Organization estimates around 81,000 to 138,000 people die each year due to snake bites and agricultural workers and children are the most affected.

According to Jesseca Kusher, educational director and biologist at Spartanburg Science Center, there’s no need to worry as much about snake bites in this area since most of the snakes are non-venomous, meaning they’re harmless.

“Most of the snakes in our area are non-venomous, if they bite you they are not going to inject you with venom but then again you should just leave all snakes alone. Here in the Blue Ridge and Upstate area we have tons of amazing snakes,” Kusher said.

Some of the most common snakes include corn snakes, black rat snakes, copperhead snakes, cotton-mouth snakes, and two species of rattle snakes.

Kusher said if you find a snake in or around your home first identify the type of snake you’re dealing with, then use a large stick to move the snake to a safer location.

“Just be aware when you’re out on trails. It’s a great idea to carry a big walking stick with you and brush the path in front of you, and be aware that snakes are looking for a warm spot to sit in the sunshine,” Kusher said.

Kusher warns that the last thing someone should do is kill or harm a snake out of fear of being bitten. There are a number of wildlife removal services that could safely remove the snake alive.

For more info about the snakes found in our area make sure you visit the Spartanburg Science Center.