SC Attorney General’s office announces fight against robocalls

COLUMBIA, SC (WCBD) – South Carolina’s Attorney General, Alan Wilson on Thursday announced he has joined a bipartisan group of 40 state attorneys general to stop or reduce annoying and harmful robocalls.

According to a press release, the coalition will be reviewing technology major telecom companies are pursuing to combat illegal robocalls.

“Robocalls are one of the biggest complaints we get because they annoy all of us,” said Wilson. “It’s difficult for states alone to fight these, especially when the calls come from other states or other countries, but we’re committed to working together to find ways to reduce them and make recommendations to the Federal Communications Commission.”

Since it was formed, the multistate group has had in-depth meetings with several major telecom companies.

Wilson’s office said these productive meetings have led to greater information sharing about the technological capabilities currently in existence or in development to fight these calls.

Attorney General Wilson and his colleagues are working to:

•           Develop a detailed understanding of what is technologically feasible to minimize unwanted robocalls and illegal telemarking,

•           Engage the major telecom companies to encourage them to expedite the best possible solutions for consumers, and

•           Determine whether states should make further recommendations to the FCC.

The group, led by Attorney General Josh Stein (NC), Attorney General Curtis Hill (IN), and Attorney General Gordon MacDonald (NH), also includes attorneys general from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.