Rural SC schools gifted with hundreds of new school desks

COLUMBIA, SC (WSPA)- Even though most schools in the state are back in session, South Carolina organizations are still trying to help school districts, teachers and students.

On Thursday morning, one of those groups, Opportunity Project, made a special donation to rural school districts that are often forgotten about.

Thirteen schools in 11 different school districts are getting new schools desks thanks to the organization’s efforts.

Bakari Sellers was joined by Wade King, an education advocate and author, and several superintendents from the districts receiving the donation.

At total of 1,300 school desks will be given out, 100 desks for each of the 13 schools.

Schools in rural counties often struggle with funding, and this donation will give those districts one less item to have to find funding for.

“Some of the issues we have is not being able to fill all of our classrooms with certified teachers and budget concerns our budget has been balanced but it was a challenge,” explained Jessica Williams, the assistant superintendent in Colleton County.

Bakari Sellers added, “You see the desks are wobbly and broke. There’s gum. The desks are drawn all over. I think that in order to take pride in what you’re doing and in the classroom the kid spends the most time in the desk.”

Several districts have already received their desks the other ones will be gradually rolled out throughout the school year. 7 districts will receive the desk, four districts are receiving 20 teacher supply grants up to $300.

Allendale District 1, Bamberg District 2, Hampton Districts 1 & 2 and Jasper County will receive the new desks. Bamberg District 1, Dorchester District 4, Calhoun and Clarendon Counties will receive the teacher supply grants.