Robeson County schools to open on Tuesday more than a month after closing due to Florence

Schools in Robeson County will reopen on Tuesday more than a month after closing for Hurricane Florence. 

Superintendent Shanita W. Wooten said in a post on the district’s Facebook page and website that Public Schools of Robeson County will open for students on Tuesday, October 16 after closing on September 11. 

School employees were asked to report to work on Monday to inspect classrooms, report additional concerns, and to prepare for the return of students, according to Wooten. 

The district’s deadlines for vaccination records and health assessments for Pre-K Title I students has been extended until November 1, Wooten also said. Students now have until December 1 to submit proof of immunizations. “North Carolina Law requires all students entering kindergarten must have a health assessment and completion of required immunizations. 7th grade students must receive a meningococcal and TDAP vaccine.”

“Bus drivers are prepared to safely transport students to and from school beginning Tuesday,” Wooten added. Detours will impact Green Grove Elementary School, Fairgrove Middle School, and South Robeson High School. 

Breakfast will be served on Tuesday and “all services will be available at the two Shining Stars program sties,” according to Wooten. School principals and support staff will help with the student transfer process for the coming weeks. 

“Students displaced by storm damage to their homes are protected by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act,” Woooten said. “Students displaced by the storm have the right to remain in their schools of origin (i.e., the school the student attended when permanently housed or in which the student was last enrolled) if that is in the student’s best interest, regardless of whether they are currently staying in that school’s district attendance zone.”

According to Wooten, students “will not be penalized for incomplete curriculum packets distributed over the past few weeks when schools were closed.” The district’s testing calender will also be adjusted “based upon the adjustments to the overall school calender” and grading periods may be changed. 

“There have been no changes to the district’s calendar at this time. School makeup days will be determined after school is back in session. Field trips, programs and athletic competitions may be rescheduled. Schools will provide updated information,” said Wooten. 

Parents and families with suggestions, concerns, and questions can contact district leaders and central office employees by phone or email, Wooten also said. “The central office has temporarily been relocated to the campus of Lumberton Junior High School. The district will respond to questions and concerns as quickly as possible.”

For more information, visit Public Schools or Robeson County’s website here or Facebook page here