MUSC Update: 34 employees test positive for COVID-19

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – As part of their triweekly COVID-19 update for the Charleston area, MUSC announced that 34 members of the healthcare workforce have tested positive for COVID-19.

MUSC did not disclose any personal information about the employees, including name, role, floor, etc. MUSC said that they will follow “internal notification and tracing protocols” to contact patients and staff members who may have been at high-risk for exposure.

Additionally, MUSC announced that they have five inpatient COVID-19 cases and 169 outpatient cases.

They have seen approximately 3,500 patients at the West Ashley specimen collection site, and completed 2,944 COVID-19 tests to date.

MUSC is continuously increasing their in house testing capacity and “is shifting the majority of incoming COVID-19 testing needs to in-house labs.” They are no longer sending tests to DHEC, and expect a significant decrease in wait times for test results.

While MUSC remains in the ‘Green’ status for general supplies meaning they are currently stocked with what they need, they are proactively collaborating with the Army Corps of Engineers and National Guard.

Together, they are planning a MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) style facility on campus that would provide an additional 270 beds.

The MASH facility would be used for non-critical COVID-19 patients.

MUSC previously announced that they plan to use the critical care space in the University Hospital Extension as well as ICU space in Ashley River Tower for an additional 130 beds.