Horry County leads the state in sexual battery cases reported

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division collected crime data showing Horry County and Florence County in the top ten list for most sexual battery cases in 2017. According to the statistics, 346 cases were reported in Horry County and 87 in Florence County.

Members of the Pee Dee Coalition presented the data at the Florence City Council meeting on Monday. Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, they wanted to give council members information on how to change those ratings.

“We just need to be more aware, have more prevention, more educations, get into schools, into the businesses, into the community by coming to council members, places in the church, so people can be aware on what to do,” said Martha McCall.

SLED data McCall presented showed that victims aged 10 to 17 had the most cases by 34 percent. In South Carolina, the legal age of consent is 16. A person can receive several years in prison for not following the state consent laws.

McCall said the organization wants people to have more sexual assault awareness conversations.They are hosting several awareness events throughout April.

“I feel like that if we expand this month with our awareness that we can energize enough participants and enough people in our communities to go out, and push this entire year for the prevention and reduction of sexual assault,” she said. 

For local victims, the SLED stats are a tough reality to face.

“I was unfortunately molested when I was five years old, raped when I was 12, 14 and 17. I knew the struggles that I had with trauma,” said Jennifer Guiles Robinson.

Robinson started a non-profit organization called Empowered to Heal where she advocates for other victims along with volunteers. She said learning how to tell someone is the most important step.

“Unfortunately in society, sometimes so many people don’t believe the victim. There is a lot of victim blaming, so they need to find someone they can trust,” Robinson said.

The Pee Dee Coalition has a 24-Hour Crisis Line for those suffering through sexual assault. The number 1-800-273-1820.