Gov. McMaster asks for $607 million in revised Hurricane Florence recovery funding requests

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster is asking for more than $600 million in federal funding requests for Hurricane Florence recovery. 

According to a press release from Henry McMaster/Office of the Governor, McMaster sent a letter on Friday to the state’s congressional delegation with revised estimates for Hurricane Florence recovery efforts. 

The revised estimates, which total about $607 million, include the following:

“SCDRO [South Carolina Disaster Recovery Office] data indicate over 2,000 homes suffered flood damage in Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Horry, Marion, and Marlboro counties. Of these seven counties, the number of flood damaged homes in Horry County is significant,” the letter says. “Many of these residents face serious personal financial challenges in making the necessary repairs to their homes. Sadly, some are dealing with the startling prospect of total home loss and the inability to afford replacement. Damage to critical public infrastructure like roads, bridges, water and sewer equipment, utilities, parks, as well as small businesses and farming has also been reported in these counties.”

Gov. McMaster’s full letter can be read here