Candidates for SC governor make final effort for votes ahead of election day

Both Governor McMaster and James Smith traveled across the state on Monday in a final push to get votes.

McMaster spent the day making appearances in Columbia, North Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and Greenville.

“Friends don’t let friends vote alone. Take your friends to the poll tomorrow and be sure to vote because once the polls close, that’s it,” McMaster said during his Myrtle Beach visit.

Meanwhile, Democrat State Rep. James Smith spent the campaign’s final day crisscrossing the state in an RV. He visited Anderson, Newberry, and Columbia.

“It’s just about continuing to make connections with the people of our state and to continue what has been a 46 county campaign from the start,” said Smith.

The candidates both sat down with News13’s Bob Juback ahead of the election. Watch and listen to what they had say here.