15-year-old girl pretended to be ex-boyfriend online, asked for nude pictures from other teens

A 15-year-old girl in Cheraw is facing multiple child pornography charges after she pretended to be her ex-boyfriend and requested nudes from other female teens. 

According to a press release, on January 25 the Cheraw Police Department received multiple complaints from parents who told them their daughters had received messages on social media from someone they thought was a male student at Cheraw High School. 

The messages were asking the girls to send nude photos and when the girls refused the person started to send threatening and harassing messages. In at least three incidents the person sent a picture of a “juvenile male’s genitalia.” 

The Cheraw police interviewed the initial suspect and after an investigation tracked the social media messages to a home in Cheraw. 

Police interviewed a 15-year-old girl along with her mother. The girl confessed to creating the social media accounts and making them appear to be her ex-boyfriend. She also confessed to sending nude male images to the victims. 

When police asked her why she did this the girl told police, “revenge” for her relationship ending and jealousy that her ex-boyfriend was chosen to perform a solo in the State Finals for Band. 

The 15-year-old is being charged with multiple counts of Possession of Child Pornography, Disseminating Child Pornography and Producing Child Pornography. 

She will be charged as a juvenile in Family Court.