State budget leaders vote to shut down SC State University over financial problems

  A House budget-writing panel has voted to close South Carolina’s only public historically black college for a year so the school can get its finances in order.

Rep. Jim Merrill says it’s time to stop “messing around the edges” when it comes to South Carolina State University’s financial mess.

Under his subcommittee’s proposal, the state would take on the university’s debts, which could climb past $100 million.

Also under the plan, University President Thomas Elegy would be fired, WIS-TV reported. The faculty would be let go along with state employees at the school while the Board of Trustees would be disbanded, according to WIS-TV.

All programs, both academic and athletic, would be affected by the year-long closure of the school.

Merrill says part of the problem is lawmakers’ inability to get concrete answers on what the school owes.

Gov. Nikki Haley’s spokeswoman says the governor understands the panel’s frustrations and finds the continued uncertainty unacceptable.

The proposal advanced 3-1 Tuesday to the full Ways and Means. Democratic Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter of Orangeburg cast the “no” vote.

Rep. Joe Neal says the proposal doesn’t help the situation.

The plan must pass the full House Ways and Means committee, and potentially clear the entire House, before it would go into effect, WLTX-TV reported.