Skeletal remains found in Williamsburg County

Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

On Monday, March 30, 2015 Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of skeletal remains found off S-45-574/McCants Road located in the Earls area of Williamsburg County.

A beaver dam was being cleared from a swamp area when a black plastic tarp was discovered. Inside the black tarp were skeletal remains along with other debris. It is unknown at this time if the remains are human skeletal remains or animal skeletal remains.

The investigation is being worked jointly by Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office, Williamsburg County Coroner’s Office, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, Williamsburg County Search and Rescue, and CUE Center.

It will take some time to conduct a complete scene investigation and to make positive identification of what kind of skeletal remains were found. Anyone with information about this incident please contact the Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office.