Should college athletes get paid? Some SC lawmakers say “Yes”

COLUMBIA, SC (WSPA)- Should college athletes be paid? It’s been an ongoing debate for years between colleges, the players, the coaches and the NCAA.

And most recently the state of California made it very clear what its position is. The California State Assembly passed a bill that allows players to be compensated.

And several South Carolina lawmakers agree. At least 2 legislators are looking to move legislation forward to make sure the athletes in SC are compensated.

“I was voted player of the year in 2004 and I received a scholarship to play college basketball at Auburn University,” said Lucas Hargove, a former NCAA player. Hargrove recapped his experience as a college athletes.

“Imagine waking up at say 7 a.m.and going to class from 7 to 12 and then having lunch and then practice and then class and then a study hall. You’re not done until 9 o’clock.”

It’s time many people think athletes on the court and on the field should be compensated for.

“Not all athletes have full scholarships, some have partial some have none. And they’re unable to get a job because sports and school takes up all their time,” explained Representative Justin Bamberg.

Hargrove added, “It’s 2019 people have to live. you have cell phone bills, gas for your car, and college is about socializing you want to have money in your pocket. “

Representative Bamberg is looking to join other lawmakers in filing a bill that would allow athletes to have money in their pocket.

“The way the bill was worded is they would receive $2500 a semester for a total of 5000 a year and they would receive a lump sum at graduation.”

The bill would also include a component of a bill moving forward in California that allows players to receive endorsements.

Representative Bamberg plans to file this bill when session resumes in January. He filed a similar bill 3 years ago that didn’t even receive a hearing.

The NCAA Board of Governors issued a letter responding to the bill in California saying “(the bill) would make the state’s 58 schools unable to compete in NCAA competitions.”

The governor of California has not signed the bill yet. If passed the first section of the law would require a special committee to look into the laws governing compensation to be created by January.