MYRTLE BEACH, SC-     For some, a drop in temperature means an increase in business. 

Four Star Plumbing and Air Conditioning has technicians available 24/7 for emergency situations. New Jersey Native Anne Carlovich is no stranger to the cold but when her heater died Wednesday night,  panic set in.

“I was thinking ‘Oh my God’ how low is it going to go and here we are without heat in the bedrooms,” said Carlovich.

Carlovich and her family were forced to resort to alternative methods of warmth.

“Put a couple of sweatshirts on and two big blankets on and get in that bed,” she said.

She called Four Star first thing in the morning to repair the heater. 

Service Technician John Troestler said people will often turn to their thermostat for relief during cold weather. However,  he said that will lead to a very expensive electric bill. He recommends keeping the temperature within five degrees of room temperature.

In addition, Troestler said to change the filters on a regular basis. While doesn’ts’t eliminate the risk of heater failure, it helps. Troestler told News 13 a major problem in southern homes is the use of heat pumps.

“Heat pumps aren’t made for these extreme cold conditions that’s why they’re not used further up north,” said Troestler.

He said the most rewarding part of his job is being able to fix a broken unit.

“I think people very much appreciate their heating and air conditioning.”

Troestler also noted summer time as being busier than winter for service calls because air conditioning units break.