Second hand smoke is still a big issue for teenagers

CBS NEWS – Almost half of the teenagers in the US are exposed to second-hand smoke. The CDC says 35 percent are exposed at indoor and outdoor public areas.. 27 percent are exposed at work. SOURCE – Pediatrics/CDC/MedDay/CBS

Michigan researchers are advising parents to pay close attention to how their children sleep, even if they are high achievers. Researchers say pediatricians usually only ask about sleep when a child is struggling in school. But they found even children with higher IQs behave better when their sleep apnea is fixed. SOURCE – University of Michigan Health System / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology/MedDay/CBS

3 out of 4 adults under the age of 45 who are experiencing stroke symptoms delay a trip to the hospital. That’s according to UCLA researchers who say young adults often underestimate symptoms such as numbness, weakness or sudden speech difficulty. Doctors say the first 3 hours after a stroke are critical for treatment. SOURCE – Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center/MedDay/CBS