School bus driver is also a secret Santa – and a whole lot more

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (WDAF) – Bob Snyder does quite a bit more than just transport kids to and from Clardy Elementary in the North Kansas City School District.

“I like to think since I’ve been exceptionally blessed, I can bless other people,” he told WDAF.

This winter season, Snyder donated new gloves and caps for children who either don’t have any or, as kids often do, lost them along the way.

“He does all of this without any recognition, and he never wants any credit,” said Dr. Raquel Coy, the principal at Clardy Elementary. “He just truly cares about all of the students here at Clardy.”

Snyder is also well-known for cracking jokes and lifting spirits on bus No. 36. While bus drivers are paid to bring children to and from school, some, like Snyder, take the role to a new level. Lifting kids up and demonstrating a brand of generosity and kindness that is rare in today’s world.

“I don’t want kids falling through the cracks,” Snyder said. “Collateral damage to big kids’ problems.”

In addition to the winter hats and gloves, Snyder has also been known to pay off the balance for some students’ cafeteria lunch account.

“One of the kids came back in with his birthday money. He wanted to pay the money back,” Snyder recalled. “He wanted to make sure no other kids went without. It brings a tear to my eye. That’s what it’s all about.”

Snyder’s kindness extends beyond the bus and the cafeteria. Last year, he paid for swim lessons and a swimsuit for one of the students.

“The kids can see they have someone who cares about them and their wellbeing,” Coy said. “It’s very inspiring.”