SCDOT working around the clock to treat slick roads

Tuesday was far from your winter wonderland.

Old man winter opted for less white stuff and more freezing rain and sleet.

“Its 12 hour shifts.  We started at 5:00 am,” mentioned SCDOT Assistant District Engineer Lorena Pate.

DOT crews are working non-stop on the clock, back and forth between the roads and units as trucks packed with thousands of pounds of both salt and salt brine.

“The salt comes in, we come and get it, our backhoe operator he goes to the salt bin shed brings the salt over on a backhoe,” said Frederick Mullins, SCDOT worker.

The goal is to of course melt slick spots, but to create less slush on the roads and potentially stop ice from forming

“We are on the interstate, bridges, open graded friction course and any callouts we might get from highway patrol or the public,” explained pate.

While many can chalk this up as a day off, for dot crews its work as usual…

“I want to be here because i know my kids, they need a safe road to travel on…my wife and my kids,” Mullins said.

“I don’t recommend anyone getting out on the roads right now,” added Pate

Crews will continue to treat the roads overnight and throughout the day on Wednesday.