SCDOT closes I-95 lane in Dillon County to fix culvert damaged by storm

DILLON, SC (WBTW) – The SCDOT reports one of the south-bound lanes on Interstate 95 was closed for emergency repairs Tuesday.

According to the DOT’s website, crews were installing a barrier wall so they can fix a damaged culvert at mile marker 186. The barrier wall will allow the work to be completed without extended lane closures in the future.

A preliminary assessment by engineers shows the culvert damage was caused in part by conditions experienced during Tropical Storm Irma.

The lane closure is expected to be in place for a least one day.

SCDOT encourages motorists to use an alternate route to reduce congestion. The alternate route is SC 34 West (Exit 190) to SC 38 East. Motorists can get back on I-95 South at Exit 181.

Electronic message boards are in place notifying motorists of the lane closure and alternate route. Drivers can always check current travel conditions on the SC 511 Traveler Information System at www.511sc.org.