FLORENCE, SC – South Carolina tourists and residents alike can follow a culinary trail dedicated to the pecan. The South Carolina Pecan Trail in Florence features nearly 20 local restaurants putting pecans in the spotlight. From pecan-encrusted grouper to pecan pie martinis, those venturing on the trail will experience a variety of flavors to satisfy.
“With the growing number of travelers planning vacations specifically to incorporate culinary trips, Florence Convention and Visitors Bureau has developed the SC Pecan Trail to highlight locally owned restaurants that feature pecans,” said Holly Beaumier, director of the Florence CVB, of the three-year initiative.
Florence is the hub of the SC Pecan Trail. Pick up a passport at the visitors center, 3290 W. Radio Drive, or any of the participating restaurants to start the journey. Filling up the passport with stamps is also the ticket to SC Pecan Trail swag.
” It’s a signature event it helps put Florence but also the Pee Dee on the map and we have people that come from not only the whole region but so many states they come around and they come to Florence and they learn about us and they learn about what we have to offer and what’s special here, ” said Pecan Festival Chairman George Jebaily.
The Pecan Festival is Saturday, November 5, in downtown Florence. Past attendance has exceeded 50,000. The event includes stages of live entertainment, over 250 food and craft vendors, special art demonstrations, a free kids zone, amusement rides, and antique tractor show, car show and competition, cook-off competition, chalk art competition, corn hole competition, 10K, 5k, and half marathon races, a half metric century bike ride, and more.
For more information, visit visitflo.com/sc-pecan-trail or call the visitors center at 843-664-0330 or visit www.florencedowntown.com/downtown-events/pecan-festival/.