SC Needs Help providing relief items to flood victims, open every day

While many in Horry County are still out of their homes due to unprecedented flooding, some are starting the process of putting their homes back together. 

Volunteers with SC Needs Help, a donation and distribution center, are lending support to flood victims as they try to recover. The center is open every day for anyone in need or wishing to donate.

“We have a lot come in and then a lot goes out,” said organizer Jim Carroll. 

SC Needs Help has been collecting these relief items, including food, water, clothing, diapers, and more, for about a week in a warehouse on Northgate Boulevard, off the intersection of US-17. So far, the center has assisted more than 500 flood victims.

“They’ve lost everything, they come in here, and you can tell that they don’t know what way to go,” said Carroll. 

Volunteers also deliver relief items to those who cannot access the warehouse, and that’s not all. Carroll and other volunteers have been driving to flood victims throughout Horry County and the Carolinas to cook them up a hot meal.

“It’s awesome because it gives people a ray of hope. There’s been some people who haven’t had a hot meal in 6-7 days and say ‘How can we help you?’ These are people that just lost everything,” he said.

SC Needs Help is also teaming up with medical relief teams to deliver health supplies, particularly to older flood victims, such as incontinence supplies and urinary catheters.

“People need those things but they’re embarrassed to ask or they don’t know how to get them or they’re just not available and so they’ll end up reusing medical supplies and getting very sick,” said Linda Oland with Pulse Medical Transport.

Organizers plan to keep the warehouse open for several months or as long as the donations keep coming.

“We’re here for the long run. After a couple weeks, a lot of places that are taking donations, they’ll move on but these people are gonna be suffering from this next year this time,” said Carroll.

“It’s going to be a much longer, slower recovery and we need to partner with these people for the long term not just their immediate needs,” said Oland.

Volunteers say cleaning supplies and food are the most in demand items. For more information on SC Needs Help or if you’d like to donate, click here