NORTH CHARLESTON, SC  – A video featuring North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey is making rounds on the internet and in the community.

The video was posted by the city’s Facebook page North Charleston Government and is Summey’s response to groups blaming the government for recent violent crime.

“The problem is we can’t raise your children,” said Mayor Summey in the 98-second video, “it is your responsibility to raise your children.”

In the video, the mayor asks parents to work together with the community in raising children and to keep their kids active so they stay out of trouble.

“It felt like my grandfather lecturing me for something,” said Amanda Baxter, a nurse.

Amanda Baxter is busy raising her seven children and says working class families in North Charleston feel left behind by city’s resources.

“No one is asking the city or the state or the government to raise their children,” said Baxter, “having things for them to do that are safe and affordable for parents that may not have a lot of income is a reasonable request.”

In the video, Mayor Summey talks about the city’s summer recreational programs along with how he sold produce and shined shoes as an 11-year-old boy.

“The mayor is out of touch,” said Sh’Kur Francis, a college student, “listing things from 50 years ago and how your did them – that’s not the reality of 2017.”

One of Francis’ former classmates from Burke High School was killed in North Charleston this year.

The city has a murder rate higher than Chicago, according to recent data.

Francis says he appreciates the mayor’s words but would rather hear them in a forum with other community members.

“It was trying to play the blame game and lay it at someone else’s feet,” said Francis, “instead of.. let’s resolve these issues.”