SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA) – A South Carolina man was sentenced Monday to 50-years in prison after pleading guilty to shooting a man execution-style in the head. 

Andrew Ryan Murphy, 26, pleaded guilty to murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime, according to Solicitor Barry Barnette.

A home surveillance camera filmed Murphy shooting Daeshawn Brown, 25, of Spartanburg, on Feb. 18, 2018, in the back of the head in the front yard of an El Camino Real home. 

A witness told Spartanburg County deputies Murphy was the shooter, according to Barnette. Murphy was arrested at a Carson Avenue home hours after the shooting. 

Deputies learned that Murphy had previously dated Brown’s girlfriend. Hours before the murder, Murphy threatened Brown in a Facebook conversation with his former girlfriend. 

Murphy’s prior criminal record included convictions for possession of a controlled substance, criminal domestic violence and third-degree assault & battery.

Murphy will serve every day of Circuit Judge Derham Cole’s prison sentence, according to Barnette. He is not eligible for parole or early release.